Friday, January 6, 2012


It is good to see somebody else post on this site. It pleases me to no end. I am just hoping that we can get a lot of the rest of the family to start posting here. With your help I think we can do it. Kathy and I are now 6 days into Retirement and so far it is great. I have to take my car in to the Mazda dealers today to make sure it is in good enough shape to start taking the road trips we anticipate taking. You may be surprised in a month or two as Kathy and I will be in Oklahoma in early February and may take a trip on out to New Mexico before we go home. Not sure how Los Alamos is in February but if there isn't much snow up there we may drive through on our way back home. We are doing ok and I anticipate going in to the National Archieve's next week to do some research on the Potts'. I may stop over at the AG Building at lunch and have lunch with some friends. Well, take care and lets see if we can't get other family to start posting to here. We need to have a discussion about another Family ReUnion...................... soon.

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